
David Lloyd Leisure

Right Ad, Right Place, Right Time

David Lloyd has a number of clubs across the nation, with various amenities, activities, trials and membership offers. On top of this, the David Lloyd target audience varies from Career Focussed Individuals, to Families, to Mature Achievers, who are likely to be attracted to their closest David Lloyd Club through differing messaging, at various moments in the day.


Media Week Awards - Long-Term Media Strategy

What we did

With the use of creative versioning tools available to us, we built out a comprehensive set of creatives, utilising a bespoke template that populated imagery and copy from a dynamic sheet that delivered relevant ads to individuals dependent on their audience categorisation, location and point in the marketing funnel.

What we did

Families and parents would see messaging related to the on-site creches, young, career-minded individuals would see fitness and tennis related copy, and if the user had already been to site, retargeting creatives would reinforce the current offer of their ‘home’ club.

Over the course of 2021, our continued use of dynamic creative has led to engagements rates that surpass industry standard by 160%. With up to 70% of a campaign’s success coming from creative (Google Media Lab Study, 2017) a degree of the campaign’s great 2021 CPE and ROI successes can be attributed to our creative versioning. This was also the case in 2020 where display performance helped our whole digital campaign increase total enquiries by 49% more than planned.

  • 70%

    Of campaign success from creative

  • 49%

    Increase in enquiries

Our work

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