

Scaling subscriptions for Fempowered

As a product in it’s infancy, Fempowered has focused it’s growth on testing and learning in the digital space. Understanding creative, audience and platform effectiveness has been the objective of 2020 as we seek to learn and understand. Whilst building understanding and efficiency, the bi-product of this has been a lack of scale and testing to a wider mass market audience.

What we did

The market presented us a unique opportunity throughout lockdown 1.0 as prices dropped to a level not seen for many years; so we took the brave step to test the product proposition and creative on linear TV.

This sought to understand if we could cost efficiently reach a mass audience and drive awareness and demand of the subscription product; a big shift in strategy from our cautious test and learn approach we’ve used in digital.

Whilst baseline was low, we saw huge results across the board. Site sessions increased by +5,440% and transactions increased by +6,495%. We saw revenue increase by +9,361% compared to the 6 month average and average order value was seen to increase by +43%, which was a £2.97 increase on the 6 month pre-TV average.

The staggering increases can be attributed to the low baseline due to low level of test and learn activity previously; the cost per sale matched what we had seen through a very defined digital targeting strategy showing that we can do efficiency at scale. Something that all subscription brands strive to achieve.

  • 43%

    Increase in average order value

  • 5,440%

    Increase in site sessions

  • 6,495%

    Increase in transactions

Our work

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