

Midlife Revolution: Exploring the untapped advertising potential of a misrepresented audience

The world has changed for women in their 40s and 50s, offering them more opportunities to question societal norms around family and work. Today, 57% of women are childless at age 30 compared to 42% in their mothers’ generation. This shift, alongside a growing desire for personal and professional fulfilment, means that women aged 45-54 live more diverse lifestyles than ever, with nearly half experiencing significant life events like divorce, becoming a parent, or starting a new job in the past year.

These societal and economic changes have significantly increased the spending power of women aged 45-54, known as “super-consumers,” who began outearning those under 40 in 2019 and now control nearly half of the UK’s wealth. However, this group is increasingly detached from popular culture, media, and advertising, with only 34% saying that “advertising helps them choose what to buy” – a 6% drop since 2019.

Download our latest report, exploring the attitudes and behaviours of the 4.6 million women aged 45-54 in the UK through the lenses of identity, intent, and influence. The report offers insights inspired by qualitative research conducted in partnership with creative agency Southpaw and provides actionable strategies for brands looking to connect with this audience.