
Skin + Me

Bringing personalised skincare to aspirational Londoners

Skin+Me is a personalised skincare solution, entering a cluttered market full of well-known brands in a category with a history that has traditionally left consumers distrustful and disillusioned. With an established, successful digital and influencer strategy already in place, Skin+Me were keen to build on its activity with above-the-line media.

Due to creative limitations on advertising clinical products on TV, we needed to find a different environment to build awareness and reach their target audience of time-poor 25-45 ABC1 females is hard-to-reach, light-media consumers.

What we did

With over 1 in 5 target audience members living in London, the campaign focused here using various OOH formats to coincide with everyday moments when people showed commitment to themselves or thought about their skin.

What we did

Cross-track 48’s and Tube Car Panels were used to generate brand awareness and recognition with the potential to inspire trial through offer codes. ​

What we did

The campaign also utilised premium digital formats in Canary Wharf to target affluent, career-driven audiences and digital 6 sheets in gyms and health clubs to align with audiences already committed to personal improvement.

We achieved an uplift in awareness in London among our target audience, particularly among 18-34 females, for whom awareness increased by +6%. The campaign impacted bottom-line conversions, driving over 1,900 incremental sign-ups in London.OOH delivered positive results beyond our core target audience, with awareness rising by +2% among men and women aged 55+.

  • +6%

    Increase in awareness

  • 1,900

    Sign-ups in London

Our work

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