Blog Archives


The Kite Factory continues to expand client base with exciting new wins

We’re excited to welcome new clients Edinburgh Napier University and Friends of the Earth to The Kite Factory!


The (unintended) impact of purpose-led brands

Senior Account Manager Rebecca Bedding looks at the brilliantly disruptive growth in purpose-led brands in the commercial sectors.


NFP vs commercial brands…or not?

Head of Digital Operations Gabby Krite shares why NFPs and commercial brands are more similar than you think.


Finding growth in the Regular Giving model with CARE International

For our first Unmuddled of 2023, we were joined by Becki Young, Head of Individual Giving at CARE International to discuss the Regular Growth model and opportunities for charities this year.


Opportunities from the last five years’ digital buying trends

Managing Partner for Digital, Ben Foster takes a look at the last five years of aggregated client digital investment, identifying trends and opportunities.


How charities can prepare for the future of fundraising

In our latest report, Digital Account Manager, Mohini Lakhani and Digital Planner Buyer, Tobie Jackson take a look at the fundraising landscape and how charities can get ahead of the game.


3 lessons in charity loyalty that marketers can tap into

Strategy Director Charley Day looks at the lessons marketers can take from the crowded charity sector.


NGOs vs. Sensationalism

In today’s volatile online environment, Digital Account Director Megan Ashdown shares why building trust is vital for charities when communicating the importance of their work with their audiences.